research productivity
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Above the provincial level research projects
Author: 管理中心  From:   Published: 2014-5-14  Hits: 1475


1, 1999 "CAD / CAPP / MIS system development and application," included in the research programs of Henan Province


 2, 2005 "in Henan Province Key manufacturing information model enterprise" to include manufacturing information system project in Henan Province


 3, 2007, "ZJ40/2250 drill Research and Development," included in the foreign trade and economic development in Henan Province funds projects to promote


 4, 2007 "rig the system as a whole movement of the research and development" to include foreign trade and economic development in Henan Province funds projects to promote


 5, 2007, "A Single Pump Cementing vehicle" to include foreign trade and economic development in Henan Province funds projects to promote


 6, 2007, "A well working vehicle" to include foreign trade and economic development in Henan Province funds projects to promote


 7, 2007, "a ground anchor vehicle" to include foreign trade and economic development in Henan Province funds projects to promote


 8, 2008 "Automatic Single Pump Cementing cement mixing truck" into major scientific and technological research programs of Henan Province


 9, 2008, "2000 meters series drilling rig vehicle developed" to include foreign trade in Henan Province funds projects to promote the coordinated development of regional


 10,2009 years, "ZYT5550TZJ120 rig vehicle" to include scientific and technological achievements into the project in Henan Province


 11,2009 years, "ZJ50/3150LDB rig" major scientific and technological research programs of Henan Province

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